the blade has always been dull how it was made never
an illness so cold he sees flames as medicine and treats his disease
he keeps it bottled for days like these vintage destinies rush toward the… breaths of dead fruits inhale deep… and he drowns himself in their req…
a best friend to kings faith substitutes for justice god will keep us poor
they’ve never looked as deeply as… into the centers of your alluring and final eyes they’ve never watched you dance slowly and dark like the end…
dawn is a coffin stars take their graves in morning come night, resurrect
i’m writing this to you my friend because the last time i said goodb… it was passive i thought for sure we would be
panic is my dance partner and
race against midnight an eleventh hour dash for the quick finish
there was a mouse that dreamed of being a wolf every feral feline throughout the… would quiver at the mention of him his mere howl at the moon
into another corner bar they go climbing stairs covered in clumps… praying they don’t slip carrying s… hundreds of pounds of amplificatio… they set up in the corner
when the piano notes are dancing rhythms of candle light it’s hard to hear the fire go out the room cools its quiet wakes your fear
i think about her at least once every day i think about all the different st… that i could take to get to her ho…
love digs graves all around the world but i used to
i can smell a clue about as well as a rock and if you’re waiting for me under a rock