i had most of the adults fooled the family was easiest they were none too bright what little smarts i had i must have got from my father
sparks fly when you put a couple forks in the microwave too
i expose myself a show boat and a show pony i suppose myself a poet
the only boss i care to listen to on Labor Day
race against midnight an eleventh hour dash for the quick finish
san francisco lesbian bitch pulls no punches tells you what it is
for all the good of the day she sought the places where youths did play a few kind words to say a light to make her darkness grey
he lights one last flame home is where the burning is bed of devil’s rest
she broke up with him because he broke her oscillating f… on a 107 degree day in the Texas s… with one angry punch he destroyed the fan
we conspire with the heretic to em… we summon hellish legions to arm u… with the fire of anger and the pestilence of despair with swords cast in spite
no matter how damned everything is i keep a flower in my coffin to remind myself that the sun still offers me something
was afraid of heights until i looked at my back and saw i have wings
sometimes a vampire wants to see t… but people of the village keep his… chained shut with garlic they wear crosses around their nec… so that if he ever does get out
i looked to my right hoping to see a bass player keeping the low end tight behind me hoping to see someone
i am the one most concerned with popularity found my way into castles to meet with kings and queens crashed parties with celebrities