that is another man’s suicide if i kill myself there will be hookers
he speaks to me through early Alic… only with darkness does light shine and
dehydrated my heart became small hardened by the air of hopelessnes… with a little time and some water it has grown and changed
(a) his job (b) his home (c) his girl (d) his mind (e) his life
i am the one most concerned with popularity found my way into castles to meet with kings and queens crashed parties with celebrities
the first line wrapped itself arou… a quickly tightened noose to take his breath away a second stanza slashed down his w… like a cold razor blade of verse
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
brief landings never fool me my thoughts are made of tornadoes and I know the mind will never sit… “where the heart is” is the name of a bullshit map
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul
it was the hottest new spot on the east side of course and of course
tears glisten like distant stars unreachable galaxies alone in the quiet of space dead planets remind him of his gra…
he looks off into the distance as if god exists waiting beyond the winds with some kind of answer he looks on dating sites
incredible love making will turn wolves into pups bears, cubs again and icy hearts melt to a puddle
he staples a sign to a telephone p… hoping that anyone can help him find it winter is coming and he dreads the thought of it
this dinosaur has shared so much o… pain worry and confusion the idleness of evolution