he lights one last flame home is where the burning is bed of devil’s rest
we wait under a black umbrella beneath the branches of a silhouet… for clouds to be chased away by th… snarling jaws of light
darkness does not pass suddenly nor does the light surrounding it though her love was a shadow i reticently remember hints of a star
i have been trying to eat the moon the sun is too spicy and i do prefer a late dinner but the people i eat with are insa… and they vomit the stars
human beings are animals and we should absolutely celebrate that when we are hungry
a $5 footlong at Subway before a meeting on Thursday Burnin’ For You came on the speak… i wanted to call you
splendid bit of glee response of a mind tickled nothing like a laugh
thoughts on the police not that they are the bad guys they just work for them
he remembers the grapes as they would vine through his blo… like galaxies looking for a home welcomed with a kiss from his alwa… stars tickled his heart
his wife came in to the video store i work at today i knew who she was by the last name on her Oregon i.d…
what I love about this country is the jazz and the blues and
when the neighbors would bang on t… screaming through them telling him to stop for the love of god it is three in the morning
i don’t believe anything i read unless it’s a poem
slippery bars make it hard to hold… captive against your will always lathered in the sweat of es… you elude any sentence
i think of drinking with the moon but Li Po already did that hundreds of years ago among the petals of China i think of walking alone into a di…