Danny Price


human beings are animals
and we should
celebrate that
when we are hungry
to enjoy a good meal
when we are horny
to enjoy good sex
or okay sex
or any sex
when we are thirsty
to drink
when we are angry
to yell like savages at the top of our lungs
but we should never forget the magic in us
that we are equipped with almost supernatural imaginations
that allow us to create beautiful paintings
write wonderful stories
and play instruments
generating melodies that speak deeply to our emotions
we should marvel in the reality that we are more than
what we eat
who we fuck
carbon based bodies
approximately 57% water
and with this
i intend no disregard for the glamour
of other beasts on this planet
loyalty of the dog
agility of the cat
flight of the bird
and even the tenacity of the cockroach
they all have their own magic
as well
but we
in all the complexities of our minds
or souls
if you are one to call it that
should never cease to overlook our potential
to be truly remarkable

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