when it is most impossible to be there for yourself
clear skies are the feathers with which the lesser gods tickle their twats and dicks sunshine is the gleam of a puckered asshole
we conspire with the heretic to em… we summon hellish legions to arm u… with the fire of anger and the pestilence of despair with swords cast in spite
desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
after nineteen years she thinks of him as a fart something to air out
word traveled fast about the man with the crying ears sad with silence an absence of music left an absence in him
broken headstones in a cemetery of… bacteria running rampant feeding off the bones of the dead decay cannot be undone time will always bring about the i…
tears glisten like distant stars unreachable galaxies alone in the quiet of space dead planets remind him of his gra…
you drag a soul around in a body and some nights it’s a bag of bricks wondering if there’s anything left to dream for
there once was a drop of water misplaced in the ocean that was meant for something more never belonging with other drops lost at sea
sunlight makes love to the earth an orgasm of photosynthesis from the heat of their passion tulips are born
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
in all restaurants madness overwhelms the staff spirits break like plates
i used to go to Gramma’s every Sunday evening we would order pizza watch whatever shows we could agree on
i looked to my right hoping to see a bass player keeping the low end tight behind me hoping to see someone