if ever he drowns a swimmer will miss water life regrets no death
panic is my dance partner and
i knew i should not have unwrapped… but my will is weak at the beckon… so i took off your dress and let y… a bursting fruit flavor supplement… made everything else go away
word traveled fast about the man with the crying ears sad with silence an absence of music left an absence in him
i don’t ever want to rest in peace and i certainly don’t want any of… resting in peace some of us grew up listening to pu… and speed metal
was afraid of heights until i looked at my back and saw i have wings
he keeps it bottled for days like these vintage destinies rush toward the… breaths of dead fruits inhale deep… and he drowns himself in their req…
i walk like an appetizer onto the moonlight tongue the wine is in my blood
san francisco lesbian bitch pulls no punches tells you what it is
she heard him crying before the knock at the door two cops with bad news
what she says has gravity a truth that pulls you closer to t… brings your feet to meet the earth… in your own shoes and see that the toe is starting t…
I cannot be cast under any moon, upon any soul. If not for her,
whenever i roll in to town i see h… forbidden wires circuits exposed and on display electric sin against god with satan clouding my thoughts
i would never get my bar back so i went back waiting outside the entrance for m… to stop myself
black shirts worn at day they spoke mostly of music bonded by the odd