quick to lock ourselves in a prison cell of arrogance incarcerated by our own egos freedom can not happen until we reach through the bars
isolated Sunday bicycle rides tend to compel long winded speeche… character dialogues from stories i… and plenty of l’esprit d’escalier i speak with the dead
my body is not a temple it is more like a corner bar in Wisconsin kneeling
clear skies are the feathers with which the lesser gods tickle their twats and dicks sunshine is the gleam of a puckered asshole
i drag this carriage with a whip at my back slowly leading them to their destinations to their privileges
whenever i roll in to town i see h… forbidden wires circuits exposed and on display electric sin against god with satan clouding my thoughts
as summer wanes a chill comes about the air darkness replaces sunlight and the leaf loses it’s grasp upon… it cannot be blamed for its fall
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
dressed only in screams showered with water and death life escapes by drain
decorated in soft skin vines of fire drape around her fireproof face my eyes kneel in worship of a goddess passing by
altar of vodka haloed cocktail, angel blood she prays 80 proof
you only get so many nights like t… where the streetlights become tiny… she picks you up at your place for… and introduces you to Joy Divisio… blacklight and 80's retro music
it opens with a violin slowly bowing its premeditated plo… stalker lurking in darkness waiting for a victim to stroll by the verse comes out quick
early this morning fresh was the only way we could imagine ourselves soft to the teeth
the darker the room the more I needed her she was scented with tobacco and cedar