You have found me smothered in a shadow. You have stumbled up a child; one whom carries storm clouds arou…
in third grade i confessed to my c… i didn’t know who Joe Montana was because i didn’t watch football the boys were quick to emasculate… and i was ready to punch their lig…
broken headstones in a cemetery of… bacteria running rampant feeding off the bones of the dead decay cannot be undone time will always bring about the i…
still he saws at the legs of his Steinway old habits only die hard so he tickles the ivory cigarette hanging from his lips
monuments of song returned to life in my hands records from dead men
tears glisten like distant stars unreachable galaxies alone in the quiet of space dead planets remind him of his gra…
quick to lock ourselves in a prison cell of arrogance incarcerated by our own egos freedom can not happen until we reach through the bars
at odds with the sky I have rid myself of every feather and with my beak i have chewed off… of my wings if i am to see my dreams die
it was the hottest new spot on the east side of course and of course
there is a man i have never met too often on my thoughts a woman for whose thoughts i have had to c… against other men
i’m usually a dog person but when i returned to Austin afte… i met JD who offered me a place to crash while his roommate Karen was out o…
for wars not fought and battles not waged axes that fell from the hands of warriors
splendid bit of glee response of a mind tickled nothing like a laugh
if significant to one and not to another maxims adages cliches
Deep in The Milky Way they will meet again. Reflections, and shadows. Never-ending satellites crashing into never-ending stars.