Haiku in 4 words
Politics is not my favorite thing And candidates can leave me feelin… With the lesser of two evils, you… It’s like choosing, Elmer Fudd or… He says that he’s a business man,…
Under an Oval Moon, a gold Doubl… Fell heavily upon the ship-lap bar… A man with a hook instead of a han… Wiped sweat from his brow and utte… “We’ll have rum laced with lime.
Legends— Stories— and Fairy-tales Windblown ships with clouds for sa… Hummingbirds——in Hives——like bees And ghostly pirates on the seven s… Wicked Witches and fairy godmothe…
Times were those that I wiggled m… in the togetherness sands of a you… and I made my pitch that made me t… trying to form a more perfect rhym… But there was a riddle, deep in th…
Where came that shadow that wander… That light-less vision that knows… Shall I seek concealment, or duti… So its heartless deeds don’t leave… Suddenly I looked and saw it near
I stroll along the seaside in my m… And watch the repetitious waves, r… I know their crashing sounds can s… Why?— I don’t know, I don’t know. I watch the graceful gulls cut the…
The iron gates screeched, as they… And ghastly shapes found their way… An old hag, dressed in a hooded cl… Cracked her whip and gave orders t… Six ghosts bound in chains, groani…
Some pray and ask for miracles, {But you do them every day}, They seem to think that you should… Some mountain ... pass away. All the proof is in your deeds,
A few hours Into the day’s renewing A light goes on And the coffee’s brewing The alarm goes off
The Banshee wailed as I said to the sea “One more sunrise before I die” JE Falcon
“Blackbird, Blackbird, what’s the… “Caw, Caw,” was all he said Then he flew upon my head. “Blackbird, Blackbird, go away For on my head tis no place to pla…
A Limerick written for fun is a Limerick seldom undone, And if it is funny then it’s right on the money. A pound of chuckles is worth a Pu…
Wind-chimes dancing in the breezes Composing tunes to the many gusts… I would like it to be, But really, I cannot see That this winter is going to be my…
Some dreams flitter like butterfli… Touching flowers of hope Under stormy skies And where they land Is anyone’s guess
In darkness, shadows hide Unseen by misting eyes. But who might seek the softer side Of phantoms and their cries? Those that drift to indigo