I do believe the whole affair Was an adult, contrived, mess. There I was in an armored suite And shaking in distress. I was not meant to be a Knight
“Call It Stormy Monday” Down on “Jericho Road” But they say, "“I got a Secret”, And it’s a “Comfort to the soul”.… The “Big Boss Man” plays the “Bl…
Renewed The odd lights flicker Along the midways set in sand. Cobblestones And melodious tones
Some pray and ask for miracles, {But you do them every day}, They seem to think that you should… Some mountain ... pass away. All the proof is in your deeds,
Finius Frog Flew Feverishly Forw… Following Fellow Flier Fickelste… Formations Fashioned From Flying… Furnish Flux, Frequently Facilit… First Fashioned For Fun, Fulker…
In the deep-blue chill of morning Along the shallow bays of time Came the Spirit of the Yesterday With its haunting, melancholy, rhy… It flows upon Remembrance Shore
As dreams take flight in another s… That does not come by way of eyes; In twilight dreams and deeper scen… Are heard the screams and mournful… Some dreams ring true from out of…
Billy Snide took the evening tide To the land of New Beginnings He took his heart, he took his dog… And he took his Lottery winnings. It wasn’t far past his former haun…
My friends say that I’m backward. But I question the reasons why? I’m personable and chatty And never, ever, shy! Just because I drive a car
“Blackbird, Blackbird, what’s the… “Caw, Caw,” was all he said Then he flew upon my head. “Blackbird, Blackbird, go away For on my head tis no place to pla…
This is a story of gardens that gr… Love, inspired, by the seeds that… A story of power and a magical bal… A story of lovers who hastened the… I’ll start out this story with Pr…
There is a shadowy figure on the w… On this very early Christmas morn… And it moves with the stealth of… Darting and dashing, without warni… The mall is closed, it’s too late…
On the Christmas night When the full moon rose I felt a chill From my head to my toes And deep in my heart
On the sidewalk, I saw a Honey-B… It was walking ‘round and ‘round,… I could tell it wasn’t right, his… And I wondered, “Is this his fina… Later on, I passed by and he was…
A few hours Into the day’s renewing A light goes on And the coffee’s brewing The alarm goes off