Transcending Unraveler


Please, Child, don’t be angry with yourself.
And you don’t have to be angry with anyone else.
Anger is an emotion, just like the rest:
sadness, excitement, confusion, & happiness.
Emotions exist to help guide you through life:
Are you living in a way that you feel is truly right?
When we deny our feelings or judge them as bad,
we hinder our learning process, & this makes me sad.
Because I know what it’s like to continue running in place
not able to move any further because of the blame.
When we blame ourselves it creates a wall of shame;
these barriers & walls take our power away.
When we blame others, it’s just the same...
Another self-created limitation added to life’s game.
So what is it that we are really needing?
This monster of repression we have to stop feeding.
And as it withers away, we are able to listen
to what’s inside ourselves, what’s alive within.
And to develop one of the most valuable qualities:
A steadfast & unwavering honesty;
the empowering honesty that enables us to learn from our limitations.
When truth is revealed, we let go of expectations
to be someone we’re not meant to be
and to live our lives finally free
from doing things we don’t want to do
and living as the most authentic you.
So, Child, if you’re angry, be angry!
No one ever said this life is pain-free.
Anger can lead to justice, which can lead to peace
and on and on until our lives cease.
Contribute to world peace by learning from anger
and recognizing that emotions pose no danger.


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