Transcending Unraveler

The Desert's Fountain

Oh, limiting mind,
how I loathe thee...
I make efforts,
you show me inadequacy.
Treading this desert in search of ease;
moving forward seems a breeze
til panic arises with momentary lack;
parched lips, eyes looking back
at all the could-have-been’s,
all the should-have-been’s.
Possibilities lost.
Opportunity costs.
A misuse of imagination
this futile concentration
on a past unseen,
disturbing the serene
that is my essence;
this eternal presence
where possibilities abound
limits no where to be found.
Water quenches my thirst
my lips continue to purse
as I look up in wonder
“Who are you?” I blunder.
And as quickly as that the world is mine,
energies intertwined
between soul, body, & mind
not expecting to find
any answers to the mystery
for questions make up history
and the all-encompassing present
moments don’t relent
as the mind serves as lens
forming interpretations,
burning through projections
and introjections
into a pool of pure reflection
glass-like in appearance
a stage in which our dreams dance
undisturbed by faulty perception
or misinformation.
I am
with no end.
Pure Awareness.
The desert is home to this fountain
valuing wisdom before knowledge.
for the knowledgeable are hindered
by impermanence...
The wise move forward
and experience
what is to come
constantly home.


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