Transcending Unraveler

A Beautiful Reminder

To Piper

I’ve admired you from afar;
by what my eyes see
and how my heart feels.
My mind wants to get to know your mind:
your filters, lenses, & programs
your values, beliefs, philosophies...
But my heart feels as if it already knows your heart
because you express your soul so openly.
Your beauty radiant.
Peace emanating from your being.
Rhythm apparent in each step.
An aura of love;
delightfully so
and tantalizing
yet I am able to let go
grateful for the experience
the inspiring moment shared between us.
Awakened beings seeking truth
actualizing the energy of our youth
living from the recognition
that each moment of consciousness is a reflection
of the source of all that is
Divine Chaos
Perfection usually seems imperfect
the beginning synonymous with the end
A reminder that I, too, am.


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