If there is one thing that could make every living creature and organism stop in the moment to consider how they were created,
it is the aum.
Aum, the resonating sound from the throat
that symbolizes the birth of creation;
touches the soul like no other sound can.
When I hear it, I picture clouds of all colors and shades storming in
while the earth shifts,
parting mountains and forming lakes.
Lightning strikes to form beautiful gems later to be found and marveled at.
The clouds part, and sunlight warms the world,
giving new life to everything on it.
Flowers and trees sprout up,
bacteria and fungi come into existence helping form and mutate into new forms.
Eventually animals and humans evolve forth.
The earth, as the mother, comforts
and provides her children with everything they could ever need.
And this moment,
this time of serenity to meditate on the majestic
and awe-inspiring miracle our coming into existence is,
shows our Mother appreciation for this gift of life.
We are connected to the earth
and to every living thing on it.
Recognizing and appreciating this connection helps us live the life we are purposed for:
Not Destruction,
But Creation.