Transcending Unraveler

The Pointless Race

It’s been way too long.
It’s been way too long since
I’ve shown myself love
without the feeling of obligation.
One day is too long.
So many distractions make it
easy to forget that I have a
body, mind, and spirit
needing attention;
Needing to be nurtured.
So many activities in this world
are meant for escape.
Not to escape the body, mind you,
That’s what death is for.
But to escape the realities
of our psyche and
the home base of our soul.
Because in a world that tries to tell you
it’s thriving off of material value
when in truth it is ever swiftly using
this value to aid the human race
toward inevitable destruction,
A mind whose reality differs from the norm
And a soul whose essence
is fully attuned to the natural world
Are viewed as obstacles
in this ‘pursuit of happiness.’
I value the time I have on this planet
too much to continue to run on
this treadmill of pursuit
Facing a concrete wall of emptiness
Surrounded by thick clouds of deceiving fog.
The fog clears and I turn the machine off.
I step down, and walk through
the concrete wall
toward a world of
seemingly infinite possibility.
True freedom knows no bounds.
Enlightenment has no end.
And pursuit is a word used by
those unaware of a world
Where your mind and spirit
are present with your body,
Where home is a constant
and worth is abundant.


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