
Disruptive British school pupils! Distinctively well done, Michael Good!

By Stanley Collymore
I’m afraid that too many of these
little darlings are quite used to
entirely getting their own way,
and are therefore rather dreadfully offended
if anyone rightfully puts them in their place!
And all this very basically so, because their
actually asinine sense of entitlement, is an
undoubted problem; along, of course, also
with an obviously, evidently complete lack
of respect for anyone, and including most
crucially in this clearly selfish, scenario of
their own, their fellow students who quite
evidently actually sensibly want to get on
totally unhampered, with their education!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 November 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Full kudos to, and my unstinting respect and equally, my unrestrained and likewise fullest support to the Supply Teacher Michael Good for his courage, moral strength and similarly what he conscionably did; and having myself very literally taught at every conceivable level at Junior, Secondary, College, rather evidently obviously also both University Undergraduate and equally Postgraduate as well levels, and additionally too in extra-curricular education, there is unquestionably no way I would have countenanced such feral behaviour and crucially never did. All made simply smooth sailing by my literally reading the riot act of what I would actually not accept under any circumstances! And it has always worked because those that I taught and still do, knew perfectly well from the outset where we literally stood with each other, both from a moral and an undoubtedly mutual respect as well as an Academic one!

And I still get letters, emails, cards and other forms of communications very routinely from former pupils and students I taught in the UK who're now adults with families rather clearly of their who undoubtedly, they say, thank me for the overall and not merely the educational input I injected into their lives, but gracefully state I was still around locally to do the same for their children. Fully cognizant, that I'd left the UK for Germany, because of distinctively falling standards societally and, similarly, as well educationally across the entire UK! And personally a decision I've never regretted in the least! Nor will I ever!

Michael Good who I don't know but evidently whose conduct I can readily empathize with does seem to me to be of the old school, in which teachers were employed to teach, to instil discipline constructively and without fear or favour do so objectively and not try vaingloriously to actually curry favour and even as well take that into the bounds quite literally of dispensing and receiving sexual favours as is so commonly the case rather obviously nowadays!

So I'm absolutely delighted that common-sense has prevailed and that Michael Good hasn't been struck off from teaching for quite clearly doing what demonstrably needed to be done!

As for him being rather disgracefully escorted off the school premises of a Roman Catholic School for what he justifiably did, perhaps in demonstrable reality these obviously, bloody hypocritical Roman Catholic institutions should all start getting their own specifically odiously paedophile and sexually abusive: both male as well as female, quite rampant hypocrites under moral control, as there's undoubtedly quite evidently none where these discernibly blatantly, fucking well hypocritical institutions stand: past as well as present in their clearly sick and vile behaviour, instead of obviously virtue-signalling pick on actually decent and highly commendable teachers like Michael Good responsibly doing their jobs! Seriously try dealing with the serial male paedophiles and likeminded Nun sexual abusers literally within your midst RC and your schools!

Simply put your real house in order St. Anne's Roman Catholic voluntarily academy located in Stockport, England!


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