
So many psychopathically sick and simply negative people out there. Lol!

By Stanley Collymore
Why do these people: the likes of
the racist Karens, likeminded
Gammons, vilely pathetic
social climbers and the unquestionably
characteristically, literally distinctively
and absolutely gullible; intellectually
challenged, totally obsessive, quite
industrious, monarchical plebeian
wilfully brownnosing, sycophants
that publicly, crucially loudly, and
actually nauseatingly repeatedly
assert, that they obviously don’t
like Harry and furthermore care
much less for his wife Meghan.
But still, obviously contradictorily
and very crucially compulsively
persist in basically, copiously
posting comments and similarly, carry
on non-stop, complaining about them
regardless of what they’re either very
allegedly engaged in, or significantly
otherwise, purportedly simply aren’t
doing? Sensibly therefore, distinctly
by openly, and crazily, imbecillically
behaving as you do, you must truly
and naturally much to the contrary
of what you thoroughly deceitfully,
artfully lyingly and disingenuously
would have others gullibly believe
are generally totally impressed by
Harry and Meghan while crucially
obviously angrily jealous of them
as well; and why attendantly and
also similarly, clearly realistically
you odious trolls quite assuredly
and rather simply, cannot let go!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 September 2023.

Author's Remarks:
I distinctly love Harry and Meghan; two brave, mentally liberated like myself and down to earth individuals, and quite additionally a couple who clearly intelligently, in my opinion, did the best thing they'd jointly undertaken, apart from falling in love and getting married, in physically getting out of the toxic, racially verminous and obsessively, petty jealous monarchical Windsor family of which they were undoubtedly rather uncomfortably a part of, while also crucially and most exemplarily, very plausibly and emotionally rejecting them!

The Windsors characteristically and as well effectively and crucially undeniably are a pathetic circus; while in marked contrast Harry and Meghan are clearly self-evidently a lovely couple, ostensibly always ready and easily so to relate to people, unlike the studiously boring so-called royals, which basically unmistakably includes the ruddy lot of them; persons, individually and likewise collectively, with unquestionably visibly as much star power among them as your average local council rubbish bin collector!

#Hate #Racism

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