
It’s not the date that counts but the significance of Christmas that actually matters!

By Stanley Collymore
So President Maduro of Venezuela
purportedly wants to essentially
move Christmas day crucially
from December the 25th to October the 1st;
so what’s actually wrong with that? It’s now
rather undeniably, the month of September
and already actually along with Halloween
there are literally unquestionably plenty of
Christmas items obviously on display and
similarly specifically for sale in numerous
shops quite evidently, around the country
generally. Progressively a state of affairs
that irrefutably, has arisen over the years
and which discernibly self-evidently now,
has even started in the month of August.
Moreover, Christmas day as  obviously
represented in western countries is
rather essentially a farce, as the
25th December its evidently designated
occasion was clearly a major and quite
longstandingly European pagan day of
uprorious celebrations and so in order
to actually, and significantly get these
people to discernibly, literally convert
to Christianity the minority purveyors
effectively of this new religion called
Christianity, basically rather logically
and sensibly, therefore, appreciating
this obvious state of affairs actually
instinctively and equally intelligently
decided that the best way to simply
fully achieve their rather discernibly
and specifically, distinctly evidently
designated task of true conversion
quite relative to these pagans, was
to openly, and publicly, incorporate
their undeniably, specifically major
day of crucial, festive celebrations
decisively and wholeheartedly too
into this obviously thoroughly new
for them naturally alien religion of
Christianity which these Christian
advocates were very avidly but all
the same with basically expected
difficulties obviously proseltysing.
So cleverly and similarly subtly
making this quite important
day of December the 25th,
a rather focal point of Christianity and
equally also the birth date of the new
and perspective Messiah discernibly
of these manifestly expectantly new
converts to Christianity, who simply
otherwise, were essentially pagans
unquestionably, entirely skeptically
and basically reluctant to embrace
Christianity were craftily won over!
So good on you President Maduro!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Anyway, for the vast majority of westerners in this world who, most hypocritically, designate themselves as Christians but rather obviously never or have they ever entered any Christian building for worship, either of the established or free church Christian denominations, from one Sunday to the next, to then asininely and evidently pathetically as well as patronizingly voice their ludicrous and discernibly bigoted assumptions on something they simply don't practice and frankly know bugger all about is truly, actually rabid nonsense, that should be summarily discarded and really distinctively treated with the utter contempt it deserves!

And besides all this white western European instituted stuff about Jesus Christ, his birth date, which reputable scientists and equally also astrologers actually categoricallly state wasn't anytime in the month designated as December is unquestionably an irrelevance; since what actually and discernibly, crucially and distinctly matters and quite specifically obviously outside the ostentatious and very pretentious proseltysing regarding the faith characterized as Christianity by those who self-evidently don't practise what they often preach, are the actual precepts and fittingly also the undoubtedly, genuine concepts of Christianity, and rather essentially, how all those of us who are effectively practising Christians permit our lives to be distinctly beneficially influenced by our faith. Amen!


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