No sooner were the gates free of b… than we’d paired off and squared off as fascists vs. totalitarians And as for the dissidents not spoi…
I know I think, Therefore I am All knowing Unless
There’s no time like the present: Do it now Like, there’s no time like the pre… Do it now, but from an ironic dist… There’s no time to like the presen…
The one path to a sustainable future is understanding that people will only agree to cuts in their standard of livin…
Looking for signs of intelligent l… We imagine their supremely advance… Like somnolent caterpillars Dreaming up fabulous cocoons of th…
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo
The revolution will be permanent When nobody means what they say But everybody memes what they say
Most importantly, survival depends… your curated self lacking all self… This is best accomplished when you… lack all self-awareness, with you and your curated self
100% of success is showing up on time
Knowledge is power said the company man of the hour on whom we all soon began to sour for institutional knowledge is dou…
If my wife could re-draft she says she’d still take me but only after trading back to the second round
Having priced myself Out of the market I’ve rebranded as generic
I thought the Protestant work eth… I saw all the lazy rivers in peopl… until I noticed they were each swi… against the current
The people pleaser’s greatest mist… is believing that if you always walk the line you will never have to
Whereas Mayor McCheese loved reading about himself in the newsp… ex-Mayor McCheese was served with divorce papers