Chris Gaither

I Didn’t Come Up With Every Word of This, but I Feel Like We’re Up to Every Bit of It

The devil is in the details
And God is in my feelings
Here are the details on my feelings:
I feel like
The devil is just here to force the issue
Because although God gives us free will
He also makes it a forced choice
Which also explains why
When Obi-Wan instructs Luke in using the Force
He says
“Stretch out with your feelings”
And why, now that
“The Death Star has cleared the planet”
With “Rebel Base in range”
I’ll take a page out of Obi-Wan’s book
As chances are it’s a page from the Book used
By the People of the Book:
Use the Book, my people
Let go, my people
My people, trust me

Other works by Chris Gaither...
