Charlotte B. Williams

This World of Dreams

Looking for ways to pass the time since my Husband passed,
I’ve found that Dreaming is not the cure for loneliness though.
Reality is far better, to lean on, and trust in God.
Proverbs 3; 5+6

This world of dreams
where lovers meet, and fall in love,
This world of dreams,
Where others laugh, love, kill, die.
Where fantasies become so real
it’s almost as if you’re living them,
feeling them, wanting to be them.
Most everyone loves to dream,
even when we’re awake.
Then we must sober up
and recognize that it’s only a dream.
Dreams can sometimes be imitated,
and good things can be taken from
dreams, but some have to remain.
This world of dreams can be entertaining
quite exciting  for a while, then  we wake up
and realize it’s only a dream not reality.
Some things have to stay in dreams
where they belong, intangible.
Dreams, unreal yet quite delightful
Dreams, part of life, but yet not
I must come back now, I most return
Lest I be swallowed up in fantasy
Lest I begin to become the dream
I must remember that it’s unreal
Lest I begin to feel the things I shouldn’t feel
Wake up now forget the dream, embrace truth
Soberly and intently, even relentlessly
Knowing it was only a dream
until time to dream again, perhaps?
Charlotte B Williams (c) 2023.

Too many Movies. You can replace the word Dreams with Movies.
Dreaming is not always a good idea, when we can be doing more constructive,
creative, even more profitable things, but we’re not above it are we ?
I haven’t been lately. James 5;16.

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