Martin was a leader, with a purpose and a plan.
Crying out for freedom marching t’wards the promise land.
He marched, sang and prayed, and bowed his head to pray,
and his song was that we’d all get there some day.
Martin was a man, with a bible in his hand,
believing in his cause, marching t’wards the promise land.
A man who lived by faith, believing chains would break away,
and his song was that we’d all get there some day.
Others followed along, their purpose was very strong,
they did for freedom march, with freedom in their hearts.
Nothing could stop their purpose, from it they would not stray,
and their song was that we’d all get there some day.
Then Martin was taken away, to a better place one day,
but the freedom for which he died, will always remain alive,
and although right now he’s gone, the song will still live on,
and his song was that, We’ll all get there some day.
H. S. I. © 2012–22.