I still hear her voice, Calling me her Turtle Dove. My sweet Anita. We were childhood friends, who were knit in tender love
Be strong, when troubles come your… Be strong, everything will be ok, Darkness comes, just before the da… Just believe, don’t give up, be st… You feel like everything’s so hard…
Our minds are such a busy place, full of lots of storage space. good thoughts, bad thoughts, happy thoughts, sad thoughts. Settle down mind and take a rest,
Many have taken a journey, a journey beyond the stars. To a place that mankind cannot see… for its very, very far. They have gone to the Creator,
He rode into Jerusalem, to finally get His due. Riding upon a donkey, like any other a Jew. Such a humble servant,
Terrible things began to happen, things we can’t even imagine, but the optimist said it will be o… Though already bad, things got eve… worse, but the optimist said, He w…
Happy New Year!!! and may God bl… Your expecting hearts with peace a… with happiness that can’t be measu… the joy of life, and all it’s plea… Happy New Year!!! so happy and fr…
Happily ever after, Is what our Joe would say. If he could relay this message, to us on Earth today. Happily ever after,
The child by my side who’s name is… believe me as I tell you of this. This was a child sent from God a… to give his Mother peace and love. A Mother struggling to raise five
The viola makes a beautiful sound, Quite beautiful, and quite profoun… This is what my granddaughter woul… As she sits down and begins to pla… She has to practice quite a bit,
The rainbow after the rain, brings healing after the pain, The sun will shine. Those feelings of despair, will not always be there,
Love for your husband, love for your wife, love for everyone in your life. Love for your enemies? because hate is not good,
A faithful friend is always there. To always love, to always care. Even in the worst of times, They’ll say, that is a friend of m… When you feel a little low,
There is no greater sacrifice, that anyone can make. than to give up his own life, for someone else’s sake. We give honor and respect,
Everyone has pain, no one is exclu… every single soul, everyone’s encl… Why does life bring pain? Why must we hurt this way? Like a dagger in the soul,