Mrs Felix Donnett was a lady of r… For ten years her husband was mayo… For ten years she queened it as ou… And ‘everything she did, my dear,’… But the mayoral pomp sat lightly o…
Noo, ye ken, we’ll see 'em agen, Waggling doon the street, While the baton twirls an’ the pip… To the beat of the marching feet. Left– right– glimmerin’ bright,
Now, here is a tale of the Glugs… In the end of the year umteen; Of the Glugs of Gosh and their gr… And Tush, his virtuous Queen. And here is a tale of the Oglike…
A man’s a mug. I’ve worked the '… To-day, down in the orchard where… Runnin’ the wheels red-'ot beneath… An’ wras’lin’ fervud with a sudden… A doubt wot’s plugged me fair bang…
Oh, I’ve got a lovely story that… It will make a gorgeous picture,… (Mind, it isn’t for the money, for… nd my attitude to Art is very pure… It is full of real heart-int’rest,…
Now, Ma-til-der! Ain’t cher dres… Last as ushul. Move yerself, you… Are you goin’ to lie there lazin’, W’ile I—Nell, put down that basin… Go an’ see if Bill has got the po…
My son! . . . Them words, jist li… Is singin’ in me ‘eart the ’ole da… Over an’ over; while I’m scared I… Out of a dream, to find it all a f… My son! Two little words, that, y…
Down among the strawberries, Up among the plums, Cheeping in the cherry-tree When early autumn comes, In our silver spectacles
‘Sowin’ things an’ growin’ things,… That’s the game,' my father said,… ‘Settin’ things an’ gettin’ things… That’s the life,' my father said,… For my father was a farmer, as his…
The world 'as got me snouted jist… Crool Forchin’s dirty left 'as sm… An’ all them joys o’ life I ‘eld… Is up the pole. Fer, as the poit sez, me ’eart 'as…
Ow! Wow! Wow! (Funeral note sustained by flutes,… short-legged, large-headed dog in… Ow! Wow! We are the people who make the row…
It’s up an’ down, as me father sai… An’ his as went before him Good days could never turn his hea… Nor the worst of seasons floor him… (Said old george Jones). I’ve he…
Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet, Stern lord of his house and kin, Is a small, bald man, and a cricke… Since the night he listened in On his young son’s set one winter…
‘Haw! Good fellow I’m not doubti… Your intentions are all right, And your general appearance Is intelligent and bright; But the question you’re discussing
Now comes the time when we douse f… With various kinds of sprays The sand flies, and the house flie… And the flies with furtive ways. But I keep my hate for the large…