The winds that blow about the worl… (Said Old George Jones) See here all hope to ruin hurled, See there triumphant flags unfurle… Over chance-favored zones.
I can conceive no heav’nly bliss More perfectly complete than this: To sit and smoke and idly chew Reflection’s cud, with nought to d… This is, in my pet social plan,
The pale young man he comes to me, An’ chats me good an’ fair; ‘The langwidge that you use,’ ses… ‘Pollutes the good, clean air. Why don’t yeh chuck sich silly rot…
Sadly sobbing, sadly sobbing, Rolls the restless wireless sea, Where the wireless waves go bobbin… Up and down so dolefully. And nothing there the gloom assail…
In the everlasting summer, when th… and the asphalt of the footpath cu… When you’re creased and crabbed an… And the persperation’s drippin’ in… There’s a penetratin’ odor gets ab…
What do they dream about standing… In the windows facing the street? Eyes transfixed in a strange, far… Smiles so ineffably sweet; Lady and gentleman dummies clad
Winter comes; and our complaints Grow apace as summer faints, Waning days grow dull and drear, Something tells, too well, I fear… That I’ve found a germ or two;
For them we have builded a temple To stand as a visible sign. For them we have builded a temple, And set in its great heart a shrin… Ere the dull years shall tarnish t…
B. SMITH would most undoubtedly… If some rude person called him Ja… To see how he could argue otherwis… A Jap is human - or a rumour’s ri… And he talks and argues much the s…
THE FAMINE Cackle and lay, cackle and lay! How many eggs did you get to-day? None in the manger, and none in th… None in the box where the chickens…
Hi, it’s a funny world! This mor… I saw red robin on the fence, an’… Red robin, he’s a perky chap, an’… ‘Dear, it’s a pity that poor Jenn… To talk like that about his wife!…
Flippity-flop! Flippity-flop! Here comes the butcher to bring us… Cantering, cantering down the wide… On his little bay mare with the fu… Cantering, cantering out to the fa…
Gentlemen! a politician, One who values his position, Stands, with easy confidence, Here before you on the fence. For he knows full well, good frien…
Let 'em come, by gum! That’s all… Let me see one of 'em up this way, With their sacks a-back an’ their… Low neck, short-panted hikin’ coot… Flingin’ their fags in the bramble…
Because a little vagrant wind veer… Or else, because a sun-spot stirre… Because some idle god in play brea… The heads of twice two million fol… Patter, patter… Boolconmatta,