No longer wilful woman hides Behind a law that over-rides The dicta of her lawful lord and m… And, they who fain would lift a ha… To erring wives, now understand
I said goodbye to the bees last F… To blooms, and to things like thes… Was shouting loud from the hills,… His gossamer net that fills frail… So I said goodbye to the bees; fo…
What are the wild waves saying now… In a manner most dismaying are the… And I twist and twirl and twiddle… Come sounds of a sobbing fiddle an… Or the Abyssinian crisis with the…
Dargo is a dark-haired lass Prone to independent ways; Few men know her, fewer pass, Where her pleasant river plays But the smile in her blue eye
Spare a bloom of blue, lady, To adorn a bower. A violet will do, lady Any azure flower. Since we hold a dance to-day,
Listen, Elaine. Tho’ I’m not ma… I like a little flutter now and th… But I maintain you would not be d… The family, or look like some old… If you just wore - Now, just a mi…
Oh, loyal Orange breth-er-en. I pray you act as Christlan men, And, should your spleen arise, cou… Before you speak. Nay, bear me, brothers, I beseech…
Wot price ole Ginger Mick? 'E’s… Gone to the flamin’ war to stoush… Wus it fer glory, or a woman’s sak… Ar, arst me somethin’ easy! I dun… ‘Is Kharki clobber set ’im off a…
They say a touch of spring is in t… They say the wattle trees with blo… They say each garden now begins to… (Not that I care) A festal garb that waxes day by da…
The winds that blow about the worl… (Said Old George Jones) See here all hope to ruin hurled, See there triumphant flags unfurle… Over chance-favored zones.
Said old Pete, the Pensioner: ‘I met him down the road Where, twixt the shadders of the g… The silver moonlight flowed. His skin was white like shrivelled…
You are as young, O lady mine, As ere you were in olden days, Your lips are red, your blue eyes… And still you have your girlish wa… I hate to think what years have fl…
‘E ’ad spragged me before for the… But I told ‘im straight out I was… Still ’e would ‘ang around me, wot… ’E’s a regiler obstinit bloke. ‘E’d tapped me for dollars an’ bit…
The Chinese are an old, old race, In mystic lore exceeding wise. Accustomed thro’ the year to trace Their nation’s fortunes in the ski… No mere male deity can shake
My natal day was yesterday; And so I said to Fate, ‘What gifts bring you, by one, by… To ease my parlous state?’ ‘I proffer blindly,’ Fate replied…