Nempe sic innumero succrescunt agm… Saepia vix toto ut jam natet una m… Fortius assidui surgunt a vulnere… Quoque magis pressa est, auctior… Heu quibus Anticyris, quibus est…
song Fauc1 First. [Chorus. Endymion. Luna.] Chorus. Th’ Astrologers own Eyes are set,
Within this sober Frame expect Work of no Forrain Architect; That unto Caves the Quarries drew… And Forrests did to Pastures hew; Who of his great Design in pain
My Mind was once the true survey Of all these Medows fresh and gay… And in the greenness of the Grass Did see its Hopes as in a Glass; When Juliana came, and she
Consurgit Luparae Dum non imitabi… Escuriale ingens uritur in vidia.
Like the vain Curlings of the Wat… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining alwayes, disapp… In the Weak Circles of increasing… And his short Tumults of themselv…
Soul O Who shall, from this Dungeon, r… A Soul inslav’d so many wayes? With bolts of Bones, that fetter’… In Feet ; and manacled in Hands.
How vainly men themselves amaze To win the Palm, the Oke, or Bay… And their uncessant Labours see Crown’d from some single Herb or… Whose short and narrow verged Sha…
As one put drunk into the Packet-… Tom May was hurry’d hence and did… But was amaz’d on the Elysian sid… And with an Eye uncertain, gazing… Could not determine in what place…
You, that decipher out the Fate Of humane Off-springs from the Sk… What mean these Infants which of… Spring from the Starrs of Chlora’… Her Eyes confus’d, and doubled or…
Come little Infant, Love me now, While thine unsuspected years Clear thine aged Fathers brow From cold Jealousie and Fears. Pretty surely ’twere to see
Clora come view my Soul, and tell Whether I have contriv’d it well. Now all its several lodgings lye Compos’d into one Gallery; And the great Arras-hangings, mad…
Quisnam adeo, mortale genus, praec… Heu Palmae, Laurique furor, vel s… Arbor ut indomitos ornet vix una l… Tempora nec foliis praecingat tota… Dum simud implexi, tranquillae ad…
How wisely Nature did decree, With the same Eyes to weep and se… That, having view’d the object vai… They might be ready to complain. And since the Self-deluding Sight…
Where the remote Bermudas ride In th’ Oceans bosome unespy’d, From a small Boat, that row’d alo… The listning Winds receiv’d this… What should we do but sing his Pr…