Charissimo Filio &c. Pater & Mater &c. funebrem tabulam curavimus. Age Marmor, & pro solita tua… (Ne inter Parentum Dolorem &…
Enough; and leave the rest to Fam… ’Tis to commend her, but to name. Courtship which, living, she decli… When dead, to offer were unkind: Nor can the truest wit, or friend,
Had we but World enough, and Time… This coyness Lady were no crime. We would sit down, and think which… To walk, and pass our long Loves… Thou by the Indian Ganges side.
After two sittings, now our Lady… To end her picture does the third… But ere thou fall’st to work, firs… If’t ben’t too slight grown or too… Canst thou paint without colors?…
Farfacio. Cernis ut ingenti distinguant limi… Montis Amos clivi Bilboreique jug… Ille stat indomitus turritis undis… Cingit huic laetum Fraximus alta…
Charissimo Filio Edmundo Trotio Posuimus Pater & Mater Frustra superstites. Legite Parentes, vanissimus homin…
Like the vain Curlings of the Wat… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining alwayes, disapp… In the Weak Circles of increasing… And his short Tumults of themselv…
Daphnis must from Chloe part: Now is come the dismal Hour That must all his Hopes devour, All his Labour, all his Art. Nature, her own Sexes foe,
As one put drunk into the Packet-… Tom May was hurry’d hence and did… But was amaz’d on the Elysian sid… And with an Eye uncertain, gazing… Could not determine in what place…
First was the world as one great c… Where jarring winds to infant Nat… All music was a solitary sound, To hollow rocks and murm’ring foun… Jubal first made the wilder notes…
How wisely Nature did decree, With the same Eyes to weep and se… That, having view’d the object vai… They might be ready to complain. And since the Self-deluding Sight…
To the Lord Fairfax. See how the arched Earth does her… Rise in a perfect Hemisphere! The stiffest Compass could not st… A line more circular and like;
Ametas Think’st Thou that this Love can… Whilst Thou still dost say me nay… Love unpaid does soon disband: Love binds Love as Hay binds Hay…
The forward youth that would appea… Must now forsake his Muses dear, Nor in the shadows sing His numbers languishing. ’Tis time to leave the books in du…
See how the Orient Dew, Shed from the Bosom of the Morn Into the blowing Roses, Yet careless of its Mansion new; For the clear Region where ’twas…