Cernis ut Eio descendat Gemmula… Inque Rosas roseo transfluat orta… Sollicita Flores stant ambitione… Et certant foliis pellicuisse suis… Illa tamen patriae lustrans fastig…
Courage my Soul, now learn to wie… The weight of thine immortal Shie… Close on thy Head thy Helmet brig… Ballance thy Sword against the Fi… See where an Army, strong as fair…
Come little Infant, Love me now, While thine unsuspected years Clear thine aged Fathers brow From cold Jealousie and Fears. Pretty surely ’twere to see
How wisely Nature did decree, With the same Eyes to weep and se… That, having view’d the object vai… They might be ready to complain. And since the Self-deluding Sight…
Enough; and leave the rest to Fam… ’Tis to commend her, but to name. Courtship which, living, she decli… When dead, to offer were unkind: Nor can the truest wit, or friend,
Quisnam adeo, mortale genus, praec… Heu Palmae, Laurique furor, vel s… Arbor ut indomitos ornet vix una l… Tempora nec foliis praecingat tota… Dum simud implexi, tranquillae ad…
When for the Thorns with which I… With many a piercing wound, My Saviours head have crown’d, I seek with Garlands to redress t… Through every Garden, every Mead,
Within this sober Frame expect Work of no Forrain Architect; That unto Caves the Quarries drew… And Forrests did to Pastures hew; Who of his great Design in pain
Regibus haec posuit Ludovicus Tem… Gratior ast ipsi Castra fuere Dom…
Like the vain curlings of the wate… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining always, disappe… In the weak circles of increasing… And his short tumults of themselve…
How vainly men themselves amaze To win the Palm, the Oke, or Bay… And their uncessant Labours see Crown’d from some single Herb or… Whose short and narrow verged Sha…
Ingeniosa Viris contingunt Nomina… Ut dubites Casu vel Ratione data. Nam Sors, caeca licet, tamen est… Et sub fatidico Nomine vera premi… Et Tu, cui soli voluit Respublica…
Where the remote Bermudas ride In th’ Oceans bosome unespy’d, From a small Boat, that row’d alo… The listning Winds receiv’d this… What should we do but sing his Pr…
Soul O Who shall, from this Dungeon, r… A Soul inslav’d so many wayes? With bolts of Bones, that fetter’… In Feet ; and manacled in Hands.
Luxurious Man, to bring his Vice… Did after him the World seduce: And from the Fields the Flow’rs a… Where Nature was most plain and p… He first enclos’d within the Gard…