Farfacio. Cernis ut ingenti distinguant limi… Montis Amos clivi Bilboreique jug… Ille stat indomitus turritis undis… Cingit huic laetum Fraximus alta…
My Love is of a birth as rare As ’tis for object strange and hig… It was begotten by despair Upon Impossibility. Magnanimous Despair alone.
Alas, how pleasant are their dayes With whom the Infant Love yet pla… Sorted by pairs, they still are se… By Fountains cool, and Shadows gr… But soon these Flames do lose the…
Like the vain curlings of the wate… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining always, disappe… In the weak circles of increasing… And his short tumults of themselve…
Haec est quae toties Inimicos Umb… At sub qua Cives Otia lenta terun… In eandem Reginae Sueciae transmi… Bellipotens Virgo, septem Regina… Christina, Arctoi lucida stella P…
Damon come drive thy flocks this w… D. No: ’tis too late they went astray… I have a grassy Scutcheon spy’d, Where Flora blazons all her pride…
Sit further, and make room for thi… Where just desert enrolles thy hon… The good Interpreter. Some in thi… Take of the Cypress vail, but lea… Changing the Latine, but do more…
On the Victory Obtained by Blake… Now does Spain’s fleet her spacio… Leaves the New World and hastens… But though the wind was fair, they… Freighted with acted guilt, and gu…
Consurgit Luparae Dum non imitabi… Escuriale ingens uritur in vidia.
C’est de luy que nous vient cet A… De peindre la Parole, et deparler… Et, parles traits divers de figure… Donner de la couleur et du corps a…
The wanton troopers riding by Have shot my fawn, and it will die… Ungentle men! They cannot thrive To kill thee. Thou ne’er didst, a… Them any harm: alas nor could
Come little Infant, Love me now, While thine unsuspected years Clear thine aged Fathers brow From cold Jealousie and Fears. Pretty surely ’twere to see
To make a final conquest of all me… Love did compose so sweet an Enem… In whom both Beauties to my death… Joyning themselves in fatal Harmo… That while she with her Eyes my H…
Ingeniosa Viris contingunt Nomina… Ut dubites Casu vel Ratione data. Nam Sors, caeca licet, tamen est… Et sub fatidico Nomine vera premi… Et Tu, cui soli voluit Respublica…
Ametas Think’st Thou that this Love can… Whilst Thou still dost say me nay… Love unpaid does soon disband: Love binds Love as Hay binds Hay…