Within this sober Frame expect Work of no Forrain Architect; That unto Caves the Quarries drew… And Forrests did to Pastures hew; Who of his great Design in pain
Facundis dedit ille notis, interpr… Insinuare sonos oculis, & ping… Et mentem chartis, oculis impertii…
To make a final conquest of all me… Love did compose so sweet an Enem… In whom both Beauties to my death… Joyning themselves in fatal Harmo… That while she with her Eyes my H…
Translated. Senec. Traged. ex Thyeste Chor.2… Stet quicunque volet potens Aulae culmine lubrico &c. Climb at Court for me that will
First was the world as one great c… Where jarring winds to infant Nat… All music was a solitary sound, To hollow rocks and murm’ring foun… Jubal first made the wilder notes…
Sir, Our times are much degenerate from… Which your sweet muse with your fa… And as complexions alter with the… Our wits have drawn the infection…
A Poem upon the Death of His Lat… That Providence which had so long… Of Cromwell’s head, and numbered… Now in itself (the glass where all… Had seen the period of his golden…
Enough; and leave the rest to Fam… ’Tis to commend her, but to name. Courtship which, living, she decli… When dead, to offer were unkind: Nor can the truest wit, or friend,
Where the remote Bermudas ride In th’ Oceans bosome unespy’d, From a small Boat, that row’d alo… The listning Winds receiv’d this… What should we do but sing his Pr…
When for the Thorns with which I… With many a piercing wound, My Saviours head have crown’d, I seek with Garlands to redress t… Through every Garden, every Mead,
SEE with what simplicity This nymph begins her golden da… In the green grass she loves to… And there with her fair aspect… The wilder flowers, and gives t…
Holland, that scarce deserves the… As but th’Off-scouring of the Bri… And so much Earth as was contribu… By English Pilots when they heav’… Or what by th’ Oceans slow alluvi…
As one put drunk into the Packet-… Tom May was hurry’d hence and did… But was amaz’d on the Elysian sid… And with an Eye uncertain, gazing… Could not determine in what place…
Consurgit Luparae Dum non imitabi… Escuriale ingens uritur in vidia.
After two sittings, now our Lady… To end her picture does the third… But ere thou fall’st to work, firs… If’t ben’t too slight grown or too… Canst thou paint without colors?…