Translated. Senec. Traged. ex Thyeste Chor.2… Stet quicunque volet potens Aulae culmine lubrico &c. Climb at Court for me that will
As one put drunk into the Packet-… Tom May was hurry’d hence and did… But was amaz’d on the Elysian sid… And with an Eye uncertain, gazing… Could not determine in what place…
On the Victory Obtained by Blake… Now does Spain’s fleet her spacio… Leaves the New World and hastens… But though the wind was fair, they… Freighted with acted guilt, and gu…
song Fauc1 First. [Chorus. Endymion. Luna.] Chorus. Th’ Astrologers own Eyes are set,
That Providence which had so long… Of Cromwell’s head, and numbred e… Now in its self (the Glass where… Had seen the period of his golden… And thenceforth onely did attend t…
My Love is of a birth as rare As ’tis for object strange and hig… It was begotten by despair Upon Impossibility. Magnanimous Despair alone.
Heark how the Mower Damon Sung, With love of Juliana stung! While ev’ry thing did seem to pain… The Scene more fit for his compla… Like her fair Eyes the day was fa…
Where the remote Bermudas ride In th’ Oceans bosome unespy’d, From a small Boat, that row’d alo… The listning Winds receiv’d this… What should we do but sing his Pr…
Consurgit Luparae Dum non imitabi… Escuriale ingens uritur in vidia.
SEE how the flowers, as at parade… Under their colours stand display’… Each regiment in order grows, That of the tulip, pink, and rose. But when the vigilant patrol
Cernis ut Eio descendat Gemmula… Inque Rosas roseo transfluat orta… Sollicita Flores stant ambitione… Et certant foliis pellicuisse suis… Illa tamen patriae lustrans fastig…
Charissimo Filio Edmundo Trotio Posuimus Pater & Mater Frustra superstites. Legite Parentes, vanissimus homin…
Within this sober Frame expect Work of no Forrain Architect; That unto Caves the Quarries drew… And Forrests did to Pastures hew; Who of his great Design in pain
See how the Orient Dew, Shed from the Bosom of the Morn Into the blowing Roses, Yet careless of its Mansion new; For the clear Region where ’twas…
You, that decipher out the Fate Of humane Off-springs from the Sk… What mean these Infants which of… Spring from the Starrs of Chlora’… Her Eyes confus’d, and doubled or…