A fluke encounter Letter after letter Turning me inside out Each new exchange Giving me
You look at me Like I’m some prize on display Pride glimmering in your eyes As you smile encouragingly AND
Waking in a cold sweat Choking for breathe Scared to death The shadows prancing In the darkness
Night has fallen Once again Leaving me alone With my thoughts Their incessant prattle
Forgiveness is the hardest gift to… Tears clouding our vision Our sadness turning to madness Hiding our hearts beneath Thick layers of rust
My pen is ravenous today My broken spirit Guiding its every stroke The blurred words Building rivers from my tears
Time ceases to exist Vanishing from my mind As my worries cry All the things I can’t control Throwing me back
My ceiling is dreary The white paint Paled from the years Flaking and peeling I stare morbidly content
Peering into the window The scene beyond the glass Brings tears to my eyes The pain burns in my throat As I hold back the sobs
Unhappy thoughts Replace my good mood Sending my heart fluttering Angrily against my chest Demanding to prove their worth
The world is an ugly place Filled with disease Secrets buried deep within Betraying the lies we hide behind Spewing all our sordid crimes
I don’t know where to start Too much to say So much more to lose I know what I am risking But I don’t have a choice
Stupid Boy I wish you could have seen How much you were loved Maybe if you had known... Things could have been different
My fingers gliding across the keys In a race to keep up with My wayward thoughts Drifting through me head Things demanding to be out
You don’t deserve this attention You’re not worth the time of day! My heart may be crushed Evident from my bleeding tears My sadness flooding my resolve