#Americans #Women
AND will you rest at last, storm-… In this poor heart, who would your… Will you sink down at last, conten… The common treaures of tranquillit… Will you forget your high and fier…
‘YES, Spring has come,’ the groc… And tied a final knot of string, Rang up the change and becked his… Elated at the breath of Spring. ‘Yes, Spring has come,’ the poet…
WE have quarreled; ugly things ha… Bitter things, in a tone controlle… Temperate; we weighed our words, l… Of cruelty lose the edge of being… We have quarreled over a trifle, o…
ONCE for thy brow a wreath I wis… And, seeking long, I could no flo… Now golden flowers are blooming fa… But, ah! dear love, thou art no lo…
THERE is a magic pathway through… There is a current in the troubled… A happy course to steer, if one bu… A meaning to the dream. And some in love and some in dogma…
FARE you well, who love the high… Love the cities, tall and bright, For the forest ways are my ways, And the birds’ songs my delight, And the stars in river byways
THE great religions, like men gre… Draw to them even those of hostile… Many a barbarian in Athens knew The temple porches who was grossly… To any god save one long left behi…
ON these brown rocks the waves di… As when our fathers saw them first… If such a one could come again and… This ancient haven in its latter d… These haughty palaces and gardens…
YES, you have guessed it. Do not… Indeed, I did not dream, 0 tender… When first we met, that in a littl… My words would dim you with pain’s… Do not reproach me, for I suffer…
(Her lover speaks.) AN equal love between a man and w… This is the only charm to set us f… And this the only omen Of immortality.
DEAR, if you love me, hold me mo… Chosen from out the many who would… Your gladness gladly - heavily you… Who best can sympathize, best comp… Where others fail; who, breathless…
TRAINED nurses, trained nurses… Trained nurses by night, trained n… In the corridors, on the stair, Looking for towels, carrying a tra… Saying, 'you mustn’t,' ‘you must,’…
THE LIGHT of spring On the emerald earth, A man, a maid, And a mood of mirth, A foolish jest,
The consciousness of my mortality Which used to blind and limit all… Weighs on me not since I have bee… Death is the price of our felicity… And life eternal would not leave u…
ON summer evenings when the full… Serene and fair, High in the crystal air, On hillsides deep in birches and i… Then in all hearts there stirs a h…