#Americans #Women
IN this still cloister where the… Waist-high between the arches and… You would have walked a thousand y… So faithful, who are now so infide… You would have fancied your wild h…
‘NOT that you’ll like him,' Nell… ‘No mystery - no romance, A fine, stern, eagle-like head, But he simply reeks of finance, - Started from nothing - self-made -…
NIGHT after night within the gro… The night wind spares the sacred f… The breath made visible of love, Of worship and desire. I set the tripod at thy shrine;
WON’T it be curious when I am de… Some one, unknown to me, here in m… Curious surely for others to see Trifles I made or marred outlasti… All my possessions - bracelets and…
At dead of night about the dying f… They told a story how the dead app… And men, grown still with fear, Forgot their old desire For those who once were dear,
I WANTED you to come to-day Or so I told you in my letter And yet, if you had stayed away, I should have liked you so much be… I should have sipped my tea unseen…
HE (after a pause): Dear, are you… SHE: Yes, though not at you, But at myself. Of course, we know… That when a man respects a girl... HE (interrupting): I thought
(' Women are often tempters to sexual sin and delight in it. . . A recent report of a female probation officer relates that some of the girls who, as we may say euphemistically’ had gon...
Her old love in tears and silence… Ringed by moats and flanked with t… ‘Here,’ he said, 'will come no whi… In these granite walls imprisoned,… As he spoke along the highway ther…
ON these brown rocks the waves di… As when our fathers saw them first… If such a one could come again and… This ancient haven in its latter d… These haughty palaces and gardens…
WAYNE was looking near and far After the theatre to find his car. He had taken his wife to the play… Broadway was glittering hard and b… With every sort of electric light
HE: I am in trouble, give me your… SHE: No, for I’m sure 'twould no… HE: It shall, I swear it shall,… SHE:If that’s agreed, what is th… HE:How can I win a woman who is…
FARE you well, who love the high… Love the cities, tall and bright, For the forest ways are my ways, And the birds’ songs my delight, And the stars in river byways
‘NEVER,’ he said, ‘nevermore, In the murmuring stillness of nigh… Shall I wait for her hand on my d… Confident, light; Still is the night as before,
THE house is empty, and the garde… A shadowed aisle of linden and of… A marble vase, a glimpse of river-… Translucent white against transpar… A mystery of boxwood and of byway,