#Americans #Women
TRAINED nurses, trained nurses… Trained nurses by night, trained n… In the corridors, on the stair, Looking for towels, carrying a tra… Saying, 'you mustn’t,' ‘you must,’…
WE have quarreled; ugly things ha… Bitter things, in a tone controlle… Temperate; we weighed our words, l… Of cruelty lose the edge of being… We have quarreled over a trifle, o…
(Her lover speaks.) AN equal love between a man and w… This is the only charm to set us f… And this the only omen Of immortality.
THE LIGHT of spring On the emerald earth, A man, a maid, And a mood of mirth, A foolish jest,
‘YES, Spring has come,’ the groc… And tied a final knot of string, Rang up the change and becked his… Elated at the breath of Spring. ‘Yes, Spring has come,’ the poet…
ONCE for thy brow a wreath I wis… And, seeking long, I could no flo… Now golden flowers are blooming fa… But, ah! dear love, thou art no lo…
THE rustling palms bend readily Between the sun and me; The trades blow warm and steadily Across the turquoise sea; But I’d rather feel the March win…
DEAR, if you love me, hold me mo… Chosen from out the many who would… Your gladness gladly - heavily you… Who best can sympathize, best comp… Where others fail; who, breathless…
At dead of night about the dying f… They told a story how the dead app… And men, grown still with fear, Forgot their old desire For those who once were dear,
LONG since I taught my spirit to… The Sage’s great commandment - to… And so to lose life’s bitterness a… And taste its sweetness; and I we… Eluding joy and sorrow, grave and…
Her old love in tears and silence… Ringed by moats and flanked with t… ‘Here,’ he said, 'will come no whi… In these granite walls imprisoned,… As he spoke along the highway ther…
WAYNE was looking near and far After the theatre to find his car. He had taken his wife to the play… Broadway was glittering hard and b… With every sort of electric light
THE white cat is sleeping by the… With her paws tucked under her chi… Very tame and gentle she is sleepi… Whom I saw but now come in, Come in from the dark night and th…
HE (after a pause): Dear, are you… SHE: Yes, though not at you, But at myself. Of course, we know… That when a man respects a girl... HE (interrupting): I thought
LAST night I saw a city by the s… Outlined in sparks of fire; Those wreathed lamps made all a fa… Arch, dome and spire. I saw above the waters pale and gr…