The grass is green and overgrown The sound machine is Out of tone It’s hard in this world Alone
Sometimes when I’m alone I begin to cry Because I know I have you Always by my side The thought of us
Death come for all us All of us alike... So why are we concerned With color and height?
God loves us all And has the answer... But Why are some babies born with canc…
Work hard to Love her and Yourself Don’t be concerned With every body else
Sometimes we just have to leap Eyes closed Over a river so deep When we erase our thoughts Inside our minds
Sound in my unwritten cloud Tangled and dripping turned Upside down. And the movement from creation Is glowing westward bond
I think outside the box Because I’m off the equinox I can walk and talk But I’m not a paradox Because I got the lock
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
If you hate me the most.... My love is as big as a mountain...… If I hate you the most... My love is as big as a mountain...…
One An individual Totally unique One Earth
Get up To the world Its happy If you make it that way Your loved ones
My bed makes my body ache And this cannot last. I made a huge mistake Thinking of the past. Swimming in a frozen lake,
My mind has three sections Front Middle And Back And Back is important
Her words are so simple Her eyes are so sweet Her presence makes me tingle From my head to my feet Her hair is nice