Can start with Difference Everything, you go with Same Do gets This but What remains.... Truth, do not wait
As I lay dying I can’t help but say I might beat this I may
Darkness and light Fight for my days Yet the darkness is the Shadow that stays Not evil, not depression
My finger dance over the page As my soul goes into my feet Her smile is like candy Oh so so sweet My friends tell me the truth
All of a sudden I just don’t care All this lovin I’m just not there Give me somethin
My bed makes my body ache And this cannot last. I made a huge mistake Thinking of the past. Swimming in a frozen lake,
It has stopped me with purpose On purpose What did I do to deserve this Oh yes I live where absurd is
Conversations Over-grown Situations That plateau Habitations
Most of the time hard work goes unnoticed. But in the mind I must stay focused. It’s yours, not mine
You’re one of my best friends An amazing person But not good enough Again and again My heart’s worst end
If it’s wanted then you can’t lack It was haunted then grew back So I flaunt it to dream I can ena… Dropping words without facts But somehow I feel and simple and…
Can we grasp a feeling Thrown so carelessly? As we take our seats Beneath the thinking tree. Looking at it all
Little signs are not good. We all seek boldness. Cofindence understood Is what control is. She seeks control
God loves us all And has the answer... But Why are some babies born with canc…
It’s all just tender expressions Spender of cash On dreadful obsessions Sender of trashed Vocal confessions