I feel it everywhere But yet I only care How I’m getting there That’s mine and They have theirs
Her words are so simple Her eyes are so sweet Her presence makes me tingle From my head to my feet Her hair is nice
I like her But she likes him I see thier eyes And thier grins Will she share
My finger dance over the page As my soul goes into my feet Her smile is like candy Oh so so sweet My friends tell me the truth
All of a sudden I just don’t care All this lovin I’m just not there Give me somethin
When our lips touched hers and min… I got a tangling sensation Up my spine As my hands move south I cup her breasts
Darkness and light Fight for my days Yet the darkness is the Shadow that stays Not evil, not depression
Conversations Over-grown Situations That plateau Habitations
I think outside the box Because I’m off the equinox I can walk and talk But I’m not a paradox Because I got the lock
I thought I loved you From the things I calculated But I realized it’s just to compl… Honostly the feeling has just fade… Love and lust are not close they a…
Sometimes we just have to leap Eyes closed Over a river so deep When we erase our thoughts Inside our minds
In the worst time I always loose focus All these great lines How do I show this Can you rewind
Everyone is less optimistic Truth is far from simplistic The essence of can’t gets it But then she paid me a visit Made me look at
Perfect placement Peaceful patience Unwritten statements Grass and pavement Than the wave hit
Huhges questioned A dream deferred I read it Then my dream occurred Just do