Perfect placement Peaceful patience Unwritten statements Grass and pavement Than the wave hit
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
My bed makes my body ache And this cannot last. I made a huge mistake Thinking of the past. Swimming in a frozen lake,
I saw you... You saw me I saw you Then God was born Helen
Fill your days with Productivity. Challenge your thoughts Through activities. It leads to spouts
Conversations Over-grown Situations That plateau Habitations
Two men went into the woods To make peace with the earth and w… The fire burned in the middle As they spoke to each other Then the secret was exposed
I was once walking down Pasture lane when crows flew over… Then I thought of subtle rain Pouring over the dead.... And golden sunsets bless this visi…
The grass is green and overgrown The sound machine is Out of tone It’s hard in this world Alone
I think outside the box Because I’m off the equinox I can walk and talk But I’m not a paradox Because I got the lock
What is skin? Does it hold the soul in? So we can be forgiven? Yeah, race doesn’t matter. Oh it does?!
Can start with Difference Everything, you go with Same Do gets This but What remains.... Truth, do not wait
Filling in the gaps Not completing the spots Laying in the Earth And thinking a lot I shout up to Heaven
If the sky is the limit And you have no fear Failure will give it To you in the rear So just go with what you got
One An individual Totally unique One Earth