Zac Forrest

To Let Go

It would be so easy to let go
Imagine that
Let the current wash me away
I’d like to
But every time I try to
I gasp for air
I’m to scared
Giving up
What is it like?
In the deep
The abyss
The wintry depths
Frigid waters engulfing me?
Would I see anything?
Or be lost to the vastness?
Truly alone
It would be so peaceful
Why can’t I go?
Why can’t I give up?
And be washed away
Maybe I know I still have something in this world
Maybe I worry the abyss would be real
Maybe I worry the depths would be a real, final end
Maybe that scares me
The fact that there is no swimming up after that
No gasping for air
Maybe that idea terrifies me
Or maybe it is just a primal urge
And I really am just an animal with the sole purpose to survive
But if that is true
My instincts do govern me
Because I haven’t let go yet
And I don’t think I will

This poem is one of my most serious ones, having tones of suicide. I quite like it

Autres oeuvres par Zac Forrest...
