I wanted to see if I could write a poem with only one word each line, it made me think of different ways to convey ideas, and made me try out different strategies
Silence rings over the field The soldiers stand to arms Tension creeps along the ground Slithering its tendrils into those… Sprouting fear in the hearts of yo…
I have gazed upon the world snake,… And the world’s cradle stared back It’s very eyes, like oceans, it’s… It’s teeth, greater than any blade I could see it’s body lacing over…
Those who have left us I often wonder if they look down o… Protect us Times come and go Sometimes people need to sit down
A revolutionary, adolescent prodig… Has nothing left to lose, except t… has to be better. Has to be smarte… Has to be different. Has to be ma… I’ve gotta surpass. Lest my talen…
The eyes constantly watch me, Digging into my flesh like razors, Judging every move I make, Every letter my pen writes, Glaring into my soul with contempt…
Fragile fractals compose my flesh Porcelain ligaments Glass muscles Slightest slip up Biggest mistake
It would be so easy to let go Imagine that Let the current wash me away I’d like to But every time I try to
Its eyes pierce my soul. Deep crimson, they are. I try to lift my rifle, but I fin… I’m trembling. Trembling!
Stop it Don’t cry Please Just wait You can cry another time
The struggle for life is constant An uphill battle A war, never to be won An inevitable loss, only to be pro… Life is such a fickle thing
I breathe in. The blackness floods into me, cold… The last shreds of light flicker o… There is nothing now. No joy.
I come to you Beaten Bruised I have faced everything Everyone
Coughing up blood How? Why? I never smoked in my life I haven’t drank since 20
An explosion of sound The most discordant tones Clash with the most emotive harmon… Colour streaks around me The most vibrant hues
I love these times. When you get a chance to just sit… Basking in the sun, laying down on… Staring out. The azure sky.