And passing through the city he we… Into the fat fields lying thereabo… And lo the spirit of the emerald s… With secret influence to himself u… Guided the wandering of his errant…
They wrong’d not us, nor sought 'g… The bitter battle. On their God t… For succour, deeming justice to ab… In heaven, if banish’d from earth’… And when they rose with a gall’d l…
So, without overt breach, we fall… Tacitly sunder—neither you nor I Conscious of one intelligible Why… And both, from severance, winning… So, with resigned and acquiescent…
Drifting through vacant spaces vas… One overtook me like a flying star And whirled me onward in his glist… From shade to shade the wingèd ste… And clomb the midnight like a moun…
Scentless flow’rs I bring thee-ye… In thy bosom be they set; In thy bosom each one grows Fragrant beyond any rose. Sweet enough were she who could,
Betwixt the Foe and France was sh… France the immortal, France the f… The Foe, like one vast living sea… Drew nigh. He dreamed that none his tide woul…
What! and shall _we_, with such su… As age demands in reverence from t… Await these crumbs of praise from… And doubt of our own greatness til… The signet of your Goethes or Vol…
The mighty poets from their flowin… Dispense like casual alms the care… Through throngs of men their lonel… Let fall their costly thoughts, no… Not mine the rich and showering ha…
Well he slumbers, greatly slain, Who in splendid battle dies; Deep his sleep in midmost main Pillowed upon pearl who lies. Ease, of all good gifts the best,
Wave and wind and willow-tree Speak a speech that no man knoweth… Tree that sigheth, wind that blowe… Wave that floweth to the sea: Wave and wind and willow-tree.
And these-are these indeed the end… This grinning skull, this heavy lo… Do all green ways whereby we wend Lead but to yon ignoble home? Ah well! Thine eyes invite to bli…
Who draws to-day the unrighteous s… Behold him stand, the Man Forswor… The warrior of the faithless word, The pledge disowned, the covenant… Who prates of honour, truth, and t…
The master weavers at the enchante… Of Legend, weaving long ago those… Through which there wanders the gr… Lost in the gorgeous arras of roma… Tell how King Vortigern resolved…
Just for a day you crossed my life… Put my ignobler dreams to sudden s… Went your bright way, and left me… On my own world of poorer deed and… To fall back on my meaner world, a…
Not here, O teeming City, was it… Thy lover, thy most faithful, shou… But where the multitudinous life-t… Whose ocean-murmur was to him more… Than melody of birds at morn, or b…