[Mr. Oscar Wilde, having discover… And wilt thou, Oscar, from us fle… And must we, henceforth, wholly se… Shall thy laborious _jeux-d’esprit… Sadden our lives no more for ever?
Few friends are mine, though many… Who, meeting oft a phantasm that m… To be myself, and hath my face and… And whose thin fraud I wink at pr… Account this light impostor very m…
Westward a league the city lay, wi… Cloud’s imminent umbrage o’er it:… The incendiary sun Dropped from the womb o’ the vapou… ‘Mongst huddled towers and temples…
Within a narrow span of time, Three princes of the realm of rhym… At height of youth or manhood’s pr… From earth took wing, To join the fellowship sublime
Scentless flow’rs I bring thee-ye… In thy bosom be they set; In thy bosom each one grows Fragrant beyond any rose. Sweet enough were she who could,
England my mother, Wardress of waters. Builder of peoples, Maker of men,- Hast thou yet leisure
Under the dark and piny steep We watched the storm crash by: We saw the bright brand leap and l… Out of the shattered sky. The elements were minist’ring
(12TH OCTOBER 1492) From his adventurous prime He dreamed the dream sublime: Over his wandering youth It hung, a beckoning star.
(WITH A VOLUME OF VERSE) Master and mage, our prince of son… In this your autumn mellow and ser… Crowns ever with fresh laurels, no… Than garlands dewy from your verdu…
First, ere I slake my hunger, let… The giver of the feast. For feast… Though of ethereal, translunary fa… His story who pre-eminently of men Seemed nourished upon starbeams an…
So, being risen, the Prince in br… Forth to the market-place, where b… Of them that bought and them that… Of many sounds in murmurous union– buzzing as of bees about their hiv…
As one whose eyes have watched the… Swoon to its crimson death adown t… Turning his face to eastward sudde… Sees a lack—lustre world all chill… Then, wandering sunless whitherso…
Had I the fabled herb That brought to life the dead, Whom would I dare disturb In his eternal bed? Great Grenville would I wake,
Eldest born of powers divine! Bless’d Hygeia! be it mine To enjoy what thou canst give, And henceforth with thee to live: For in power if pleasure be
Wave and wind and willow-tree Speak a speech that no man knoweth… Tree that sigheth, wind that blowe… Wave that floweth to the sea: Wave and wind and willow-tree.