In the wild and lurid desert, in t… ‘Neath the night that ever hurries… There she clutches at illusions, a… With the unattaining passion that… And calamity enfolds her, like the…
HE sits above the clang and dust… With the world’s secret trembling… He asks not converse or companions… In the cold starlight where thou c… The undelivered tidings in his bre…
Five-and-thirty black slaves, Half-a-hundred white, All their duty but to sing For their Queen’s delight, Now with throats of thunder,
Spouse whom my sword in the olden… Winning me hatred more sharp than… Mother of children who hiss at or… Curse or revile me, and hold me ab… Heiress of anger that nothing assu…
Seven moons, new moons, had eastwa… Averted from the sun; seven moons,… Westward their sun-averted horns h… Since Angelo had brought his youn… Lucia, to queen it in his Tuscan…
Had I the fabled herb That brought to life the dead, Whom would I dare disturb In his eternal bed? Great Grenville would I wake,
What! and shall _we_, with such su… As age demands in reverence from t… Await these crumbs of praise from… And doubt of our own greatness til… The signet of your Goethes or Vol…
Lo, thou and I, my love, And the sad stars above,- Thou and I, I and thou! Ah could we lie as now Ever and aye, my love,
When birds were songless on the bo… I heard thee sing. The world was full of winter, thou Wert full of spring. To-day the world’s heart feels ane…
Wave and wind and willow-tree Speak a speech that no man knoweth… Tree that sigheth, wind that blowe… Wave that floweth to the sea: Wave and wind and willow-tree.
I asked of heaven and earth and se… Saying: ‘O wondrous trinity, Deign to make answer unto me, And tell me truly what ye be.’ And they made answer: 'Verily,
Soon may the edict lapse, that on… This dire compulsion of infertile… This hardest penal toil, reluctant… Meanwhile I count you eminently b… Happy from labours heretofore well…
Often ornateness Goes with greatness; Oftener felicity Comes of simplicity. Talent that’s cheapest
So without rest or tarriance all t… Until the world was blear with com… Forth fared the princely fugitive,… His wearied feet till morn returni… Some village all a-hum with wakefu…
O King of kings, that watching fr… Sufferest the monster of Ust-Kara… With bosom than Siberia’s wastes… And hear’st the wail of captives c… And sett’st no sign in heaven! Sh…