The mighty poets from their flowin… Dispense like casual alms the care… Through throngs of men their lonel… Let fall their costly thoughts, no… Not mine the rich and showering ha…
What profits it, O England, to pr… In camp and mart and council, and… With argosies thy oceans, and rene… With tribute levied on each golden… Thy treasuries, if thou canst hear…
First, ere I slake my hunger, let… The giver of the feast. For feast… Though of ethereal, translunary fa… His story who pre-eminently of men Seemed nourished upon starbeams an…
The men who man our batteries, The men who serve our guns, They need not honeyed flatteries, For they are Britain’s sons! They go, when Duty speeds them,
Five-and-thirty black slaves, Half-a-hundred white, All their duty but to sing For their Queen’s delight, Now with throats of thunder,
Wave and wind and willow-tree Speak a speech that no man knoweth… Tree that sigheth, wind that blowe… Wave that floweth to the sea: Wave and wind and willow-tree.
I saunter all about the pleasant p… You made thrice pleasant, O my fr… But you are gone where laughs in r… That thousand-memoried unimpulsive… To storied precincts of the southe…
And these-are these indeed the end… This grinning skull, this heavy lo… Do all green ways whereby we wend Lead but to yon ignoble home? Ah well! Thine eyes invite to bli…
Here, peradventure, in this mirror… Who gazes long and well at times b… Some sunken feature of the mummied… But oftener only the embroidered f… And soiled magnificence of her ren…
Thou burden of all songs the earth… Thou retrospect in Time’s reverte… Thou metaphor of everything that d… That dies ill-starred, or dies bel… And therefore blest and wise,-
Westward a league the city lay, wi… Cloud’s imminent umbrage o’er it:… The incendiary sun Dropped from the womb o’ the vapou… ‘Mongst huddled towers and temples…
Dawn - and a magical stillness: on… On the waters a vast Content, as… In the heavens a silence that seem… But a thing with form and body, a… Yet I know that I dwell in the mi…
(12TH OCTOBER 1492) From his adventurous prime He dreamed the dream sublime: Over his wandering youth It hung, a beckoning star.
’Tis human fortune’s happiest heig… A spirit melodious, lucid, poised,… Second in order of felicity I hold it, to have walk’d with suc… * * * * *
Eldest born of powers divine! Bless’d Hygeia! be it mine To enjoy what thou canst give, And henceforth with thee to live: For in power if pleasure be