I Love cometh and love goeth, And he is wise who knoweth Whither and whence love flies: But wise and yet more wise Are they that heed not whence he f…
Nay, bid me not my cares to leave, Who cannot from their shadow flee. I do but win a short reprieve, ‘Scaping to pleasure and to thee. I may, at best, a moment’s grace,
March, that comes roaring, maned,… And bleatingly withdraws; March,—'tis the year’s fantastic n… That, born when frost hath nipped The shivering fields, or tempest s…
Under the dark and piny steep We watched the storm crash by: We saw the bright brand leap and l… Out of the shattered sky. The elements were minist’ring
Thine were the weak, slight hands That might have taken this strong… Its stubborn substance to thy soft… And bound it unresisting, with suc… As not the arm of envious heaven h…
Our men, they are our stronghold, Our bastioned wall unscaled, Who, against Hate and Wrong, hold This Realm that never quailed; Who bear the noblest burden
Low, like another’s, lies the laur… The life that seemed a perfect son… Carry the last great bard to his l… Land that he loved, thy noblest vo… Land that he loved, that loved him…
They wrong’d not us, nor sought 'g… The bitter battle. On their God t… For succour, deeming justice to ab… In heaven, if banish’d from earth’… And when they rose with a gall’d l…
Seven moons, new moons, had eastwa… Averted from the sun; seven moons,… Westward their sun-averted horns h… Since Angelo had brought his youn… Lucia, to queen it in his Tuscan…
Scentless flow’rs I bring thee-ye… In thy bosom be they set; In thy bosom each one grows Fragrant beyond any rose. Sweet enough were she who could,
What profits it, O England, to pr… In camp and mart and council, and… With argosies thy oceans, and rene… With tribute levied on each golden… Thy treasuries, if thou canst hear…
At last we know you, War-lord. Yo… The gauntlet down, fling down the… Publish your heart, and let its pe… You that had God for ever on your… We are old in war, and if in guile…
Lo, thou and I, my love, And the sad stars above,- Thou and I, I and thou! Ah could we lie as now Ever and aye, my love,
God-seeking thou hast journeyed fa… On dawn-lit mountain-tops thy soul… To hear His trailing garments wan… And where 'mid thunderous glooms g… Vainly thou sought’st His shadow…
(WITH A VOLUME OF VERSE) Master and mage, our prince of son… In this your autumn mellow and ser… Crowns ever with fresh laurels, no… Than garlands dewy from your verdu…