God-seeking thou hast journeyed fa… On dawn-lit mountain-tops thy soul… To hear His trailing garments wan… And where 'mid thunderous glooms g… Vainly thou sought’st His shadow…
Youth! ere thou be flown away. Surely one last boon to-day Thou’lt bestow– One last light of rapture give, Rich and lordly fugitive!
A squalid, hideous town, where str… With vomit of a hundred roaring mi… Hither occasion calls me; and ev’n… All in the sable reek that wantonl… Defames the sunlight and deflowers…
I made a little song about the ros… And sang it for the rose to hear, Nor ever marked until the music’s… A lily that was listening near. The red red rose flushed redder wi…
Behold life builded as a goodly ho… And grown a mansion ruinous With winter blowing through its cr… The master paceth up and down his… And in the empty hours
First, ere I slake my hunger, let… The giver of the feast. For feast… Though of ethereal, translunary fa… His story who pre-eminently of men Seemed nourished upon starbeams an…
APRIL, April, Laugh thy girlish laughter; Then, the moment after, Weep thy girlish tears! April, that mine ears
That night he dreamed that over hi… A change miraculous, whereby his s… Was parted from his body for a spa… And through a labyrinth of secret… Entered the world where dead men’s…
Under the dark and piny steep We watched the storm crash by: We saw the bright brand leap and l… Out of the shattered sky. The elements were minist’ring
England my mother, Wardress of waters. Builder of peoples, Maker of men,- Hast thou yet leisure
So, into Cornwall you go down, And leave me loitering here in tow… For me, the ebb of London’s wave, Not ocean-thunder in Cornish cave… My friends (save only one or two)
Spouse whom my sword in the olden… Winning me hatred more sharp than… Mother of children who hiss at or… Curse or revile me, and hold me ab… Heiress of anger that nothing assu…
Come hither, who grow cloyed to su… With lyric draughts o’ersweet, fro… On Hybla not Parnassus mountain:… With beakers rinsed of the dulcifl… Hither, and see a magic miracle
Lo, thou and I, my love, And the sad stars above,- Thou and I, I and thou! Ah could we lie as now Ever and aye, my love,
Betwixt the Foe and France was sh… France the immortal, France the f… The Foe, like one vast living sea… Drew nigh. He dreamed that none his tide woul…