I Love cometh and love goeth, And he is wise who knoweth Whither and whence love flies: But wise and yet more wise Are they that heed not whence he f…
APRIL, April, Laugh thy girlish laughter; Then, the moment after, Weep thy girlish tears! April, that mine ears
Inhospitably hast thou entertained… O Poet, us the bidden to thy boar… Whom in mid-feast, and while our t… Are one laudation of the festal ch… Thou from thy table dost dismiss,…
Seabird, elemental sprite, Moulded of the sun and spray– Raven, dreary flake of night Drifting in the eye of day– What in common have ye two,
Yes! urban is your Muse, and owns An empire based on London stones; Yet flow’rs, as mountain violets s… Spring from the pavement 'neath he… Of wilder birth this Muse of mine…
Scentless flow’rs I bring thee-ye… In thy bosom be they set; In thy bosom each one grows Fragrant beyond any rose. Sweet enough were she who could,
That night he dreamed that over hi… A change miraculous, whereby his s… Was parted from his body for a spa… And through a labyrinth of secret… Entered the world where dead men’s…
The master weavers at the enchante… Of Legend, weaving long ago those… Through which there wanders the gr… Lost in the gorgeous arras of roma… Tell how King Vortigern resolved…
So, being risen, the Prince in br… Forth to the market-place, where b… Of them that bought and them that… Of many sounds in murmurous union– buzzing as of bees about their hiv…
Under the dark and piny steep We watched the storm crash by: We saw the bright brand leap and l… Out of the shattered sky. The elements were minist’ring
The men who man our batteries, The men who serve our guns, They need not honeyed flatteries, For they are Britain’s sons! They go, when Duty speeds them,
Few friends are mine, though many… Who, meeting oft a phantasm that m… To be myself, and hath my face and… And whose thin fraud I wink at pr… Account this light impostor very m…
Strange the world about me lies, Never yet familiar grown– Still disturbs me with surprise, Haunts me like a face half known. In this house with starry dome,
So, without overt breach, we fall… Tacitly sunder—neither you nor I Conscious of one intelligible Why… And both, from severance, winning… So, with resigned and acquiescent…
So, into Cornwall you go down, And leave me loitering here in tow… For me, the ebb of London’s wave, Not ocean-thunder in Cornish cave… My friends (save only one or two)