“'Tis all a Chequer-Board of Nig… Where Detiny with men for pieces… Hither and thither moves, and mate… And one by one back in the Closet… Omar Khayyam.
Lord God of Hosts, whose mighty h… Dominion holds on sea and land, In Peace and War Thy Will we see Shaping the larger liberty. Nations may rise and nations fall,
(THE PLEA OF THE MUNI… “Rattle and clatter and clank and… And it’s long and long the day is. From earliest morn to late at nigh… And all night long, the selfsame s…
Who are the Makers of Wars? The Kings of the earth. And who are these Kings of the ea… Only men—not always even men of wo… But claiming rule by right of birt…
God is; God sees; God loves; God knows. And Right is Right;
I faced a future all unknown, No opening could I see, I heard without the night wind moa… The ways were dark to me,— “I cannot face it all alone
“My lord, there came unto the gate One, in such pitiful estate, So all forlorn and desolate, Ill-fed, ill-clad, of ills compact… A leper too,—his poor flesh wracke…
Is the pathway dark and dreary? God’s in His heaven! Are you broken, heart-sick, weary? God’s in His heaven! Dreariest roads shall have an endi…
This mortal dies,— But, in the moment when the light… The darkness opens, and the vision… Breaks on his eyes. The vail is rent,—
The sun shone white and fair, This Eastertide, Yet all its sweetness seemed but t… Our souls’ despair; For stricken hearts, and loss and…
Great-Heart is dead, they say,— Great-Heart the Teacher, Great-Heart the Joyous, Great-Heart the Fearless, Great-Heart the Martyr,
Not for one single day Can I discern my way, But this I surely know,— Who gives the day, Will show the way,
Bond-slave to Christ, and in my b… Earmarked to Him I counted less t… His man henceforward, eager to be… That wondrous Love which Saul the… Sought him and found him, working…
Watchman! What of the night? No light we see,— Our souls are bruised and sickened… Of this foul crime against humanit… The Ways are dark——
As It was in the Beginning,— Is Now,— And...? “No room! No room!