John Oxenham

The War-Makers

   Who are the Makers of Wars?
   The Kings of the earth.
   And who are these Kings of the earth?
   Only men—not always even men of worth,
   But claiming rule by right of birth.
   And Wisdom?—does that come by birth?
   Nay then—too often the reverse.
   Wise father oft has son perverse;
   Solomon’s son was Israel’s curse.
   Why suffer things to reason so averse?
   It always has been so,
   And only now does knowledge grow
   To that high point where all men know—
   Who would be free must strike the blow.
   And how long will man suffer so?
   Until his soul of Freedom sings,
   And, strengthened by his sufferings,
   He breaks the worn-out leading-strings,
   And calls to stricter reckonings
   Those costliest things—unworthy Kings.
   Not all are worthless.    Some, with sense of duty,
   Strive to invest their lives with grace and beauty.
   To such—high honour!    But the rest—self-seekers,
   Pride-puffed—out with them!—useless mischief-makers!
   The time is past when any man or nation
   Will meekly bear unrighteous domination.
   The time is come when every burden-bearer
   Must, in the fixing of his load, be sharer.
Autres oeuvres par John Oxenham...
