To my father
Weep for the fallen warriors. Weep for those souls considered collateral damage. Weep for the profiteers. Weep for the deserters.
Ideas and notions, they’re all for the dreamers, worth as much or less than one's considered opinion. You can’t even wrap fish in them.
What is this code that we agree up… but dare not ever speak in words ? That mysterious unspoken-ness looming where we choose to gather. It’s sure we must be seen to know
A sudden gust of bitter wind from somewhere hot and foul, whooped and howled throughout the scattered waste and scrabble down that God-forsaken alley.
I commit myself to God; sometimes, not often. I believe in God; sometimes,
I was seven years old. I approached the priest in earnest… “I want to take the lord Jesus in… He instructed me to kneel and pray… A week passed.
It is me. I am stripped down to my most naked intentions; having worn so many coats and less than noble guises.
I am crying now. I don’t know why. Am I supposed to know why it is I cry ? Though I always feel
I come to the village well today, though without a need to drink. My worldly thirst now quenched, with home and hearth supplied. I am here to fill a deeper vessel
It seems the only way to reach the mountain-top, is through the desert wasteland. It is only there that one might come to learn
I’m not really here right now. I can only be here when no-one’s a… and I know no-one can see me. Even when i speak to you, I’m sort of not really here.
It seems for ages, I have been trapped behind yet another version of what I want to think I know. I was so sure I loved you
Not so long ago I was convinced you were the culprit, the masked robber of my sacred trust.
There’s a voice deep inside getting stronger every day. I cannot deny the message these urgent words proclaim. Why bother?
I hold truth as the highest princi… I am a liar. I value honesty over all else. I am a thief. I expect integrity from you.